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Do you already have your head projected towards summer? Well! The time has come to think about the best sunscreens then!

You may have already noticed it, but today there are more and more cosmetic products – even simple moisturizers – that contain a sun protection factor. The reason? It is easy to say: people are realizing more and more that protection is essential not only when you go to the beach, but every time you leave the house. And if you are in smart working in front of the window? Also!

UV rays are responsible for 80% skin aging, as they trigger the production of free radicals together with other factors such as diet with a high inflammatory rate – so be careful if you use a lot of sugar and white carbohydrates – smoke and pollution that sticks to our skin when we leave the house, so much so that some even recommend using a 50 sunscreen even in winter.

Why it's important to protect your skin from the sun

The sun's rays, especially UV rays, affect the production of free radicals which alter the work of the cells with an oxidative work, i.e. aging them, as well as slowing down the production of new cells. In short, the more sun we get, the more we are exposed to the risk of imperfections: first wrinkles, sun spots, expression lines.

This is not to mention the possible health damage that even pushes some to put children's sunscreen on their faces for maximum protection. (Warning: this is a decidedly excessive measure, it won't hurt you but you definitely don't need it). From an aesthetic point of view, then, tanning with sunscreen gives a better complexion and, it is said, a tan that lasts longer-

Best sunscreens 2022 to protect yourself from photoaging

Photoaging is a skin aging phenomenon directly linked to exposure to UV rays, and which is characterized by the fact that the sun's rays accelerate the natural process, giving an appearance that, over the years, is more "advanced" than people peers who protect themselves.

best sunscreens

That is why it is important, as we have said, to choose one of the sunscreens recommended by dermatologists and with an adequate spf.

And speaking of SPF, we often hear about SPF 100 or SPF 50, so we seem to be somewhat familiar with the concept. But are we really sure we know what we're talking about when we talk about spf? The protection factor is an index that measures the levels of effectiveness of a product against UV rays and is classified into 4 categories.

We have light protection, with spf ranging from 6 to 10, medium with spf from 15 to 25, high from 30 to 50, and very high from 50 onwards. Each solar index corresponds to a percentage of blocked UVB rays. Useless, and no longer on the market, are the words "total protection" and the like. It is not possible to block all UVB rays. In fact, together with the protection factor for your face sunscreen, you should always consider other precautions to protect yourself adequately.

Face sun creams and protect yourself from the sun in the best way

Even if you are using one of the best sunscreens you should be careful of the sun's rays, especially if your skin is sensitive and you want to make sure you prevent the signs of aging as much as possible. Yeah, but what to do? First of all, start protecting yourself early, that is taking care of your skin when you are still young, without waiting for the first signs of aging to appear. Early also means early as a period of the year: don't wait for summer, especially if you spend a lot of time outdoors, but protect yourself even in winter or, at least, in spring.

Also create a solar routine, with the intake of supplements, paying attention to hydration – which must also contain a vitamin complex to counteract sun damage from within – and start exposing yourself to the sun gradually. Also, establish a hydration routine that includes not only creams, but also drinking lots of water and eating antioxidant foods.

Above all, choose a good cream.

The best sunscreens for 2022? We have selected them for you.

RoC – Soleil-Protect SPF 50 Moisturizing Spray Lotion

Let's start the ranking with the RoC lotion. Among the absolute success factors of a sunscreen, in addition to the quality formulation, resistance to sweat and the protection factor, there is certainly the ease of application. Fortunately, today you can benefit from spray lotions, ideal both for reaching those points where it is difficult to spread the cream on your own, such as the center of the back. Ideal for long days at the beach.

Bionike Defense Sun Milk Spray 30

Also in this case a formulation that guarantees the success of a product that really needs no introduction. Bionike is a leading company in the production of high quality and naturally formulated cosmetics. The extra touch? It is a water-resistant greasy cream, which on the one hand protects the skin's natural hydration and, on the other, allows you to face eventful days - a boat trip or a day at the water park - with the certainty of always being protected.


Hawaiian Tropic offers broad spectrum UVA and UVB protection, and a formulation with hydrating silk ribbons, rich in natural proteins that care for the skin while protecting it from the sun. All with guaranteed hydration for up to 12 hours. The extra touch? The lotion is water resistant up to 80 minutes!

And after the show?

After a long day in which you've been exposed to the sun, whether you've gotten a sunburn – difficult, if you follow our advice – or you've found a tan you're absolutely satisfied with, there are some precautions that should be taken to treat skin to stay healthy. First of all, drink lots of water and nourish the skin from the outside with a rich cream, for example based on aloe vera and shea butter.

Also, dedicate yourself a good dinner based on foods rich in vitamins and mineral salts. They will help you restore the natural functions of the skin correctly and keep you hydrated. In short, the watchwords are hydration and nutrition!

One last piece of advice: mistakes not to be made

When you put yourself in the sun, as you will have understood by now, there are several precautions to be taken to ensure that the tan makes us more beautiful without causing damage to our skin. First of all, do not go out in the sun between 11 and 16, or at least between 12 and 15, the times when the sun's rays are most intense and contain the greatest amount of UVA rays, which are the most harmful.

Also, use accessories that help keep you well protected, from a wide-brimmed hat to an umbrella, so you can enjoy your hours outdoors without damage. Also, protect and prepare your skin all year round, and not just in the summer.

And now? Enjoy the tan and your youthful skin!
