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Losing hair is a natural factor that happens to both men and women. But if the problem persists and instead of a few hairs you find whole strands on the brush or in the shower, then it is good to monitor the situation. 

Women's hair loss: do you know the causes that determine the phenomenon? Understanding the root of the problem is the right approach to find the ideal subjective solutions. Today, after having described the possible triggers, we offer you our advice and some natural remedies to better deal with this stage and start a do-it-yourself treatment that brings excellent results. 

Hair loss: external causes

hair loss women

Even if it is usually a transient problem linked to particular periods of life, it is good not to underestimate hair loss in women. But what are the most common causes? Let's analyze them together, making the distinction between the causes that originate from external factors and those that are subjective and depend on internal factors. 

Here are the external causes:

  • Situations of anxiety and stress. In medical terms it is called stress alopecia and indicates a conspicuous hair loss in conjunction with a fluctuating emotional state that tends to block the growth of new hair. It's not serious and you need to treat the mind first and then the scalp.
  • Change of season. From autumn to winter, from spring to summer, hair is also affected by changes related to the weather, which weaken and tend to fall out more frequently between the seasons.
  • external agents. Smog and pollution do not help strengthen the hair's defenses which inevitably become brittle and fall out more easily.
  • Aggressive products. Pay attention to the choice of cosmetics dedicated to hair. They often contain silicones or other substances that can damage the scalp and lead to more hair loss. Even the colors can have their weight in this phenomenon: it is better to ask for the advice of a professional before buying the products for the hair routine.
  • Food problems. Did you know that even how you eat can affect hair loss? Crash diets, eating disorders and vitamin and mineral deficiencies cause hair to age rapidly and tend to fall exponentially over time.

From the list it is clear that these are situations that can be easily remedied to improve the health of the hair as well. All you need to do is pay more attention to the symptoms and identify what they depend on to start working on yourself and making the right choices. 

Hair loss: internal causes

And then there are the internal causes, which require a little more attention, as they are certainly more difficult to treat only with conscious purchases or meditation, but instead require more targeted treatments. Let's find out what they are:

  • Hormonal imbalances. Estrogen drop, menstrual cycle or other hormone-related imbalances affect hair loss. 
  • Pregnancy. Here too hormones play a very specific role: during the nine months of pregnancy and immediately after the birth of the baby, less estrogen and more stress become the ideal combination to fuel the tendency of hair to fall out.
  • Menopause. The same principle applies when the woman enters the menopausal stage. Physiological changes also lead to a weakening of the hair, which is easily subject to breaking, falling out and losing its brightness.
  • Hereditary factors. When other causes are excluded, one must take into account one's genes as heredity can be the real reason for hair loss, therefore the family history becomes fundamental.
  • Hair regrowth. If the phenomenon is temporary, it often depends on the natural process of hair regrowth. The scalp drops the old ones to make room for the new ones which are stronger and more resistant. 

It is clear that for some of these causes no precautions or long-term treatments are needed, but sometimes a few tricks or the time necessary are enough to disappear on their own. In other cases however, as in the case of hereditary alopecia, it is necessary to intervene differently because the problem is no longer transient but constant and natural remedies may not be enough. We need specific treatments based on supplements specially prescribed for hair loss in women.

Hair loss: when to worry

After having listed the main causes that lead to inevitable hair loss, it is necessary to carry out a more in-depth analysis of the problem to understand when it is really the case to worry and adopt precautionary or preventive measures. So let's try to make another subdivision of the causes: physiological or pathological? And so we enter into the merits of the question to be able to deal with it properly and with the most targeted solutions.

The first case includes all those situations which lead to a loss equal to 50-100 hairs per day. It may seem like an absurd figure, but it is still within the limits that do not cause too much concern. And if instead the numbers rise and exceed the hundreds per day? Then the problem deserves more attention because it's time to start worrying and investigate the actual causes to find a remedy as soon as possible. This is no longer a purely aesthetic problem, but there are more serious dynamics that you cannot underestimate.

Perhaps not everyone knows that the professional figure used to treat, monitor and help in the event of hair loss is the trichologist, capable of understanding the type of loss, the cause and the right treatment.

The trichologist: who to contact in case of excessive hair loss

The right expert for you is specialized in trichology, the discipline that studies the hair in its structure and functions and establishes the best treatments to make it healthy. His is a scientific and non-aesthetic approach, aimed at identifying the main reason that leads to hair loss in order to plan personalized interventions directly on the client and his needs.

Hair loss: when to worry and make an appointment with a trichologist? We assume that the loss must be substantial and continuous, otherwise you can first try other simpler and more home-made solutions to see if the problem is reduced. The cases in which it is appropriate to ask for a specialist's consultation concern:

  • Beginning of baldness
  • Excessive fragility of the hair that breaks or falls out frequently
  • Loss of brightness and consequent fall
  • Scale formation followed by hair loss
  • Excessive dandruff accompanied by hair loss

The trichologist performs a thorough history and inspection of the hair and scalp structure. It has state-of-the-art tools that allow it to get to the root of the problem immediately in a completely painless way. He then elaborates the therapy, often associated with a diet and a change of hair care products, and monitors progress in the following weeks.

Pathological fall: cases to be monitored

If the fall is pathological in nature, you need an expert to help you fix the problem and get back to normal. Here are the most common pathologies that are linked to copious hair loss:

  • Androgenic alopecia. Although it affects little women, a percentage may suffer from this disorder which causes partial baldness on the temples, forehead and crown of the head.
  • Alopecia areata. This is a type of inflammatory pathological problem, which also generates patches where the actual fall then occurs.
  • Scarring alopecia. This is the most serious case, which involves an irreversible fall and is recognized by the presence of localized burning or itching. The doctor's intervention must be immediate to avoid worsening the problem with temporary remedies that are of little use.

Here hair loss becomes a real problem and involves a real concern that must be the impetus to immediately seek help from competent people. The hairdresser can only give you valuable advice, but not effective and decisive solutions.

Hair loss: when not to worry?

Hair loss in women is always a problem, even when it is not a pathological factor. But there are situations in which we have to deal with this condition which is linked to absolutely normal external factors. In short, sometimes there is no reason to panic, changing products, asking for help from friends or a trusted hairdresser or even a specialist.

Seasonal hair loss falls under these cases. By now it is known that the autumn season affects hair loss and therefore it must be expected without being surprised if the problem is accentuated at this time of year. However, the problem can be solved with greater care of the hair and the use of revitalizing and strengthening serums.

And if you start to have a diet characterized by unhealthy habits, you certainly don't need to worry or be overly alarmed if you notice that you are losing more and more hair. Supplement with vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin H for keratin production, or B vitamins for cell regeneration. And above all, adopt a healthier diet: avoid fast food, foods rich in saturated fat, fried food and excessively sugary products. You will see great results in both your fitness and overall health, as well as your hair.

Natural remedies for hair loss

What are the do-it-yourself treatments that help prevent and fight hair loss? Some handed down from generation to generation, others the result of new innovations in the sector, here are the natural remedies that you can put into practice to solve the problem:

  • Use avocado-based strengthening masks
  • Make compresses with rosemary essential oil which stimulates blood circulation
  • Polish your hair with apple cider vinegar which has the power to deeply hydrate it
  • Use ginger, excellent against hair loss

Among quality cosmetics and wraps with natural ingredients, it becomes easier to remedy the problem of hair loss without resorting to stressful treatments or even costly treatments in terms of time and money. 

Women's hair loss: supplements

When the phenomenon is persistent, or if you want to fight it from within, you can take appropriate natural supplements that help strengthen the scalp and counteract hair loss without contraindications. Their action is effective because they contain nutrients that promote hair health, such as B vitamins.

Have you ever heard of biotin or vitamin b7? Considered the ideal vitamin for hair, it is an ingredient always present in the best supplements, to make them grow luxuriant, stop hair loss and strengthen them from the root.

hair loss women

Here is our choice of supplements against hair loss: Biotin Nutrimea, excellent for improving the well-being of the hair.

What are the symptoms to monitor?

Finally, you may be wondering: how can you understand if it is a normal process of falling or if there are factors, internal or external, to take into consideration?

Watch out for the symptoms that can help you find the answer to your doubts. 

First of all, if the fall is persistent, something is certainly wrong! The physiological fall is neither exaggerated nor constant, so this must already be an alarm bell to intervene. 

Other more or less intense signs can be: scattered itching in the head, widespread pain in the scalp or the tendency of the hair to become oilier or with dandruff.

Without panicking, when you notice these symptoms you can start treating them with the remedies and precautions described above. If the problem does not subside, it is a must to contact an expert, who will propose a personalized treatment based on an accurate analysis of the hair.

In any case, in all cases it is necessary to act promptly in order not to increase the seriousness of the situation and to implement all the anti-hair loss strategies that allow the scalp to restore its balance. 

Even if we often overlook some signs and tend to see hair as an aesthetic element, we need to take care of it every day especially to keep it in shape. This does not mean that you have to give up your hairstyles or beauty treatments, but only that special attention must also be given to its structure, its fragility or its lack of luminosity. Knowing how to observe yourself as a whole becomes a strength to avoid unpleasant situations and having to run for cover urgently.
